Model 95/115 Shock test system

The Model 95/115 shock test system provides a larger table surface area and higher payload capacities, from 1,000 lbs (454 kg) to 2,500 lbs (1,135 kg).
Modle 95/115 Shock Test System

The Model 95/115 shock test system offers a larger table surface area and higher payload capacities.

A standard maximum payload of 1,000 lbs (454 kg) can be increased to 2,500 lbs (1,135 kg) with a 'heavyweight' version of the 95/115.

Included Damage Boundary Programmers perform short duration half sine and long duration trapezoidal shock pulses which are commonly used for a wide range of shock fragility tests.

The Model 95/115 includes a TouchTest Shock 2 (TTS2) table top control console.

TTS2 makes shock testing safe and easy. For a complete controller and data acquisition package, TTS2 communicates seamlessly with Test Partner data acquisition systems.

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