Solutions d'essai et de mesure de Lansmont : Assurer la sécurité du transport des batteries lithium-ion
Les batteries font désormais partie intégrante de notre vie quotidienne, alimentant les appareils qui nous permettent de rester connectés et de nous divertir. Pour garantir la sécurité du transport des batteries lithium-ion, celles-ci doivent être testées pour se conformer aux normes d'expédition internationales, conformément aux spécifications de l'UN/DOT. Lansmont dispose de l'expertise et de l'équipement nécessaires pour vous permettre d'effectuer ces tests, y compris les tests T3 (Vibration), T4 (Choc) et T6 (Impact) de la norme UN/DOT 38.3.
Lansmont testing solutions support solid rocket propulsion health determination for ATK/NASA
ATK, a leading solid rocket propulsion systems producer, sought efficient means to assess Reusable Solid Rocket Motors' health upon arrival in Florida post-rail transport from Utah. Timely data provision to NASA for acceptance and buy-off was critical.
SAVER Application - Identifying Tire Imbalance - Part 1
When we describe transport vibration, we typically use Power Spectral Density (PSD) plots to define meaningful characteristics (frequency bandwidth, amplitude within discreet frequency bandwidth bins, and overall spectrum intensity).
Transport Vibration - Pre-Measurement Considerations - Part 1
Part 1 - Before You Measure Before initiating any transport-based vibration measurements, it’s important to first establish clear expectations as to what you want to learn.
New Product Introduction - Acceleration Test Sleds
Introducing Lansmont's newest addition to our TruMotion™ product family - Acceleration Test Sleds - used for determining Unit Load Stability.
Vibration Testing of NASA's Orion Spacecraft
The relaunching of America’s manned space exploration program begins here, with vibration testing at NASA’s Space Power Facility, located in Sandusky, Ohio.
Mesure du transport océanique à partir de la mer
Sea Launch est une coentreprise multinationale qui fournit des services de lancement d'engins spatiaux à partir d'une plate-forme mobile de lancement en mer.
Container Ship - WaveRider
This giant container ship is tossed around by heavy seas – almost as if it were a tiny personal watercraft.
Special Gas Programmer for SAE AS8049 Shock Testing April 11, 2011
SAE has an Aerospace Standard that governs seat designs for civil rotorcraft, transport aircraft, and general aviation aircraft.
Drop Tester Optional Accessories - July 13
Thanks to gravity, your test specimen is guaranteed to fall onto some sort of impact surface during a drop test.
Lansmont Delivers at Central Philippine University
Lansmont recently participated in GlobalPack 2012, hosted by the Central Philippine University in Iloilo City.
Heavyweight drop testing with the PDT 700
Lansmont introduces a heavyweight drop tester to our product line with the PDT 700 Precision Drop Tester, for payloads up to 1,540 lbs (700 kg), developed for common ASTM, ISTA and ISO test standards.
Santa's Quality Control
Santa's a busy guy, getting more and more stops added to his route every year.
ISTA China Packaging Symposium September 18-20
This year's ISTA China Packaging Symposium will be held in Suzhou City on September 18-20. Lansmont, the Platinum sponsor for this event, will be well represented during this informative international program.
80 is the new 56
Our PDT model numbers identify the maximum payload capacity of the drop tester in kilograms.
Mortar Baseplate Test System
The U.S. Army uses 60, 81, and 120 mm mortar systems.
Flextronics Reliability Symposium
Flextronics' Advanced Engineering Group invited David Jin, Lansmont's Asia Area Sales Manager, to speak at their Reliability Testing Workshop earlier this month in Zhuhai, China.
Drop Tester Product Updates
Lansmont has completed a comprehensive update to our PDT Drop Tester Products.
Fraunhofer introduces Lansmont HITS at ISTA European Symposium
Fraunhofer provided a tour of their state-of-the-art facilities, highlighting their most recent addition, the Lansmont Load Stability Horizontal Impact Test System (HITS).
Importance of SAVER Mounting
When using your SAVER Field Instruments, you have to consider the recording setup and the number of trips to collect the data you are interested in analyzing. You can think of this as developing your SAVER game plan.
Shock Testing for Dummies!
Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU-APL) wanted to better understand the effects of vertical impacts produced by explosive blasts, most commonly known these days as Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs), on the human body to better protect our soldiers in dangerous combat theaters like Afghanistan.
Seminar at Belgian Packaging Institute
Thursday, June 13, Lansmont cooperated with the Belgian Packaging Institute (BPI), located in Brussels, to host a one-day seminar, titled "Behavior of Packages During Transport; Field-to-Lab® Simulations Test Procedures & Standards".
Defense and Battery Seminars in South Korea
Lansmont Equipment and Instruments replicate and measure dynamic environments for numerous applications.
Lansmont Delivers Research Award
The VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland hosted the 26th International Association of Packaging Research Institute's (IAPRI) Symposium on Packaging this past June 10-13 2013 on its Otaniemi campus, located in Helsinki.
Instrumented Drop Testing (ASTM D6537)
Engineers are curious people by nature. We like figures and charts and graphs.
Presentation at IoPP Golden Gate Chapter
IoPP’s - Golden Gate Chapter recently invited Lansmont Corporation to host a presentation discussing Field-to-Lab methodologies.
Ultimate Fidelity
For most situations it has served us well over the years and provides the answers we need. But the real world moves in 3 dimensions - and now your tests can too.
New Material Handling Simulation Technology
The Field-to-Lab® methodology has always been a guiding principle for the development of Lansmont Testing systems.
Isolating the OTC Sensor
The most important shock machine design criteria is the ability to repeatedly subject test items to potentially damaging impacts.
Lansmont Technology Seminars in India
Lansmont and Adams Technologies, our representative in India, are holding three educational seminars in India this week.
Lansmont Sponsors and Presents at GlobalPack 2012
The week of July 23rd, Central Philippine University (CPU) will host GlobalPack 2012, in Iloilo City.
NASA Super Guppy Crew Compartment Arrival
A few weeks ago we talked with you about NASA’s Super Guppy aircraft and the measurement project that Lansmont undertook in preparation for the Space Shuttle Trainer’s trip from Houston to the Museum of Flight in Seattle. Here’s video of the FFT Crew Compartment arrival in Seattle.
Cargo Securement: Simulating Lateral Accelerations
Cargo Securement Rules exist to reduce the risk of accidents resulting from freight shifting or falling off the truck during transport.
Lansmont Presents at World Packaging Conference
The Cal Poly Packaging Program will host the 18th IAPRI World Packaging Conference June 17-21, 2012.
And the Winners Are...
Last year, Lansmont initiated a Customer Support Survey, to gather valuable feedback from those customers that had received services from our Customer Support Group.
Honoring Those That Have Fallen
It sounds ironic, but it was in Waterloo, NY on May 5, 1866 that the first Memorial Day observation took place. Originally known as Decoration Day, this holiday was set aside to honor the soldiers who had died in the Civil War.
Accessorize your SAVER
SAVER Mounting Kits Vehicle and structural measurements are common applications for our SAVER Field Instruments.
56th Annual Munitions Fuze Conference
Lansmont Shock Systems have many applications - but perhaps the main function - is to assess the fragility and / or survivability of products and components.
Visit Lansmont at Spacecraft Technology Expo
The Spacecraft Techology Expo will take place May 8 - 10 at the Los Angeles Convention Center.
NASA Super Guppy Space Shuttle Trainer Finally Flies
NASA’s Full Fuselage Trainer (FFT) never actually flew – until it retired.
Lansmont Active at ASTM Spring Meetings
ASTM Committee D10 on Packaging oversees many of the ASTM specifications utilized for packaging material testing and performance testing.
SGS and Lansmont Success in Shanghai
Lansmont and SGS delivered a Package Testing Seminar at SGS's Shanghai offices.
Lansmont Active at ISTA Forum
Lansmont just completed an active and productive week of activity in Orlando at the ISTA Transport Forum.
University of Bath Working to Improve Vibration Testing
The United Kingdom's University of Bath, in collaboration with Pira International is undertaking research to create an improved simulation method that embodies more realistic vehicle vibration for the purpose of optimising packaging.
Success with SAVERs Begins With a Plan!
When using your SAVER Field Instruments, it is important to develop a plan before beginning the data collection process.
New & Improved Force Verification Procedure
Lansmont verifies the performance of every Compression Test System we build.
Package Testing Seminar in Shanghai
On April 12, Lansmont and SGS will be offering a Package Testing Seminar in Shanghai.
Cargo Securement: The Regulatory Requirements
Cargo transported over the road endures all the dynamic and environmental conditions that we talk about frequently--vibration, shock, temperature, relative humidity.
Research for Improved Healthcare Product Distribution Packaging
The Healthcare Packaging Consortium (HPC), established at Christian Brothers University in 2010, is conducting research to improve healthcare packaging.
Available Now! New PDT handheld controller
We've developed a new handheld controller for our unique, easy-to-use Precision Drop Testers. If you are familiar with the "ED" controller, you will find it a simple transition to the new ruggedized design
MD&M West Come See Us in Anaheim
Lansmont will be showcasing our products and services at the upcoming MD&M West show in Anaheim, CA.
SaverXware Tech Tips: Zooming to Data of Interest
When analyzing field data in SaverXware, it’s not uncommon to spot a trend from one of the QuickHistory views that makes you want to focus-in further to investigate the characteristics of that trend.
Unisource Engineered Solutions Opens Two New Labs
Early last month, Unisource Engineered Solutions (UES) celebrated Grand Openings of Engineering Centers in New Berlin, WI and Cerritos, CA.
Packages Delivered Safe & Sound...
It’s the busiest time of year for shipments, fortunately Lansmont has SAVER’s in stock, ready to go. If you've got year-end money to spend, we typically can ship credit card orders on the same day
Peace of Mind with the Vibration Actuator Swap Program
Rather than allowing you to experience downtime from normal maintenance and repair - we’ll replace your actuator!
Shock Opposing Force Gas Programmer
Lansmont has designed an innovative new accessory for our Shock Test Systems, called the Opposing Force Gas Programmer (OFGP).
High Cycle Shock System for JEDEC Testing
Knowing that one big impact can cause damage is important, but what about the cumulative effects of normal wear and tear?
HSX20 - Our Fastest Shock Test System - Ever
For some applications the ability to survive extreme events is critical to the function.
Upgrade: GEN3 Hydraulic Power Supply
Lansmont GEN3 hydraulic power supply (HPS) for Vibration Test Systems, the engine that drives our test systems.
Lansmont Sponsors ISTA European Symposium
The ISTA European Symposium, held October 18-19 in Valencia, Spain, provided practical insight into economic and environmental optimization of packaging for distribution.
Shock and Vibration Battery Testing Solutions
Batteries power many of the things that enable and fulfill our everyday lives.
SaverXware Tech Tips: Selecting Relevant Data
SaverXware’s Summary Selector is a great tool for fine tuning the event population you wish to analyze. A common task is to de-select ultra low level events from the data population when generating a vibration summary.
Lansmont helps China set standard
Lansmont sponsored and presented at ISTA’s 2011 China Symposium which took place at Lanzhou Jiaotong University, in Lanzhou City, China this September.
Billie the Box
Shipping safely from Point A to B can be a challenge in today’s global supply chain.
Equipment to Test 4-Ton Payload
When we recommend equipment to a customer, we take the size and weight of your test specimens into consideration. Testing an 8 foot long, 8,000 lb. product is not your typical case though.
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center Selects Lansmont as Small Business Subcontractor of the Year
Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) has selected Lansmont as the MSFC Small Business Subcontractor of the Year.
Aircraft vibration characterization using SAVER 9X30
Five Rings contacted Lansmont about using our SAVER 9X30 to record the dynamic conditions of the J32 aircraft during flight operations in order to provide actual vibration data to the imaging system manufacturer for review.
Survival Mission
Today’s soldier is protected and assisted on the battlefield by technology unimagined just a handful of years ago.

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