The Lansmont Model 15000 vibration test system is the largest stroke actuator in the current Lansmont vibration product line. The Model 15000 has an enormous 10″ (25.4 cm) of stroke.
In addition to stroke, the Model 15000 generates (15,000 lbs.) of stall Force, making it ideally suited to massive payloads being tested out to 100 Hz. The Model 15000 can be configured with a multitude of table sizes, ranging from 48″ (122 cm) square all the way up to 60″ (152 cm) square. Contact Lansmont for further details on configurations and performance of the Model 15000 vibration test system.
Lansmont’s TouchTest Vibration Controls completely integrate all of the test hardware, operating controls, data analysis and reporting functions. The system can perform random vibration, Field-to-Lab® simulations and direct downloads from Lansmont’s SAVER field data recorder, resonance search and dwell, sine sweep and repetitive bounce, all under closed-loop computer control. All of Lansmont’s servo-hydraulic vibration test systems include the following:
- Single control system for all operational and safety functions
- Reliable, self-contained hydraulic power supply
- Lansmont initiation and system level training
- Full range of applications training programs available
- Comprehensive one-year warranty on all components

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