Amusement park rides, aerospace flight applications, rail-car coupling impacts, and vehicle crash testing all contain low-frequency responses with long-duration, constant acceleration time histories. The SAVER 3D15 includes MEMS technology accelerometers with DC response measurement capability.
The SAVER 3D15 is powered with user-replaceable 9V lithium (or alkaline) batteries and provides continuous operation in the field for up to 15 days. The instrument samples continuously and records data to flash memory when the signal exceeds a desired threshold. Data can also be triggered to record at user selectable wakeup intervals.
The SAVER 3D15 includes timestamps with all the acceleration time history, temperature and humidity data that it records. SaverXware can be used to analyze this data and provide information about drop height, impacts, vehicle motion, vibration, temperature and humidity cycles, and spatial awareness.

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