Amazon frustration free packaging program solutions
Certification of packaged items with Amazon requires that the packaging pass a physical performance test.
Amazon has partnered with ISTA to develop two 6 Series test methods to help simulate a journey of a package through Amazon’s fulfillment network.
Amazon announced a Vendor Incentive Program, noting that they are requiring that by August 1, 2019 all items larger than 18″ x 14″ x 8″ or greater than 20 lbs. and sold through Amazon be designed and certified as ready-to-ship (Tier 1 – FFP or Tier 2 – SIOC) within their Frustration-Free Packaging program.
Vendors achieving Certification prior to that date will receive an early adopter credit for their certified ASIN(s). Beginning August 1, 2019, ASINs that have not been certified per the ISTA 6-Amazon SIOC test will be issued a chargeback. Complete details of the Amazon program can be found here – Amazon Vendor Incentive Program.
Lansmont Corporation can provide complete testing solutions that will deliver the drop, compression, side impact and vibration testing requirements as specified in each of the two test procedures.
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