Live product update - Vibration test systems & sinusoidal testing

Event - On-demand


Live product update: Vibration test systems & sinusoidal testing

Whether moving through final assembly at a manufacturing facility, over-the-road in a cargo container, or around the track strapped to the waist of a jogger, products will no doubt experience vibration loads that will challenge their integrity. How much can you shake it before you break it? It’s better to find out in a controlled setting than in the marketplace.

Vibration presents itself in various forms, including sinusoidal or tonal–which you might expect on a helicopter or turboprop aircraft. These dynamics can also be characterized as random vibration, covering input over a broad frequency range that might be expected from complex mechanical structures, such as truck trailers moving down a highway or boxcars riding the rails.

Performing controlled vibration testing on your products helps you identify and understand their resonant characteristics. The information is used to help select optimum packaging materials that dampen or mitigate the damaging vibration loads that may make their way to the product.


This webinar will address actual vibration test systems, as well as sinusoidal vibration testing applications, providing live demonstrations.


What we’ll discuss:

  •   Relevant test standards
  •  Description of the key test system hardware and components
  •  Key system performance criteria (DUT size/mass, frequency range, test intensity)
  •  Lansmont product offerings
  •  Actual live system overview and operational demonstration
  •  Sinusoidal input – frequency dwells, repetitive impact (bounce)
  •  Sinusoidal sweeps and resonance search