Designed to accommodate smaller test items, this series can handle items weighing up to 250 lbs. (113 kg) with specimen dimensions up to 11.8 in. x 16.0 in (30 cm x 40.6 cm).
This series of shock test systems incorporate a suspended seismic reaction mass with an integrated impact surface. The reaction mass is isolated from the floor to help attenuate any shock energy that would otherwise be transmitted to the surrounding building.
These systems are outfitted with Lansmont’s TouchTest™ Shock Control System for ease of operation.
This series provides a maximum velocity change of 120 ft/sec (36.6 m/sec) with peak acceleration up to 6,000 g and durations as short as 0.2 msec.
With optional programmers, this series can be equipped to generate half-sine, trapezoidal, and terminal peak sawtooth shock pulse waveforms.

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