Test Partner™ 4 Shock data acquisition system

Our latest generation data acquisition system, test partner 4 has been designed to analyze dynamic events as well as analog event detection.
Test Partner 4

Test Partner 4 (TP4) is Lansmont’s latest generation shock data acquisition system designed to capture and analyze dynamic events.

TP4 incorporates a processing engine to capture substantial amounts of dynamic data and an intuitive interface to quickly analyze data parameters. TP4 provides data acquisition through analog and/or bridge input channels which support a variety of voltage-based and Wheatstone bridge-type sensors. All channels can be configured for sample rates up to 2.5 MHz providing versatility to acquire data attributed to dropshockimpacts, strain, as well as pyro-shock and blast impact events where captured data is rich with high frequency content.

Analog channels support IEPE-type or voltage-based sensors for performing measurements of acceleration or event detection. The voltage-based event detection provides capabilities to define test constraints for electrical connections and determine when those design constraints have been exceeded.

Bridge/strain channels support quarter-, half-, or full-bridge and DC-based sensors to measure acceleration, force, strain, pressure and voltage levels.

An External I/O channel can be configured to trigger or arm the system and an Ethernet interface allows the user to operate TP4 remotely over the network or connected locally to a PC.

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