SaverXware是一个软件平台,用于设置任何SAVER型号并与之通信。通过 SaverXware,用户可以定义并向 SAVER 输出设置细节,检查 SAVER 的状态,并导入(下载)SAVER 已记录的任何数据。SaverXware 还可用于处理和分析收集到的数据。
Standard SaverXware和XwareETC
每台SAVER现场仪表都包含SaverXware软件。该软件平台允许与 SAVER 硬件进行通信,以便在记录前进行设置,并在 SAVER 记录某些事件后进行数据分析。数据分析功能包括跌落高度、撞击、车辆运动和振动以及温度和湿度周期。测量设置
SaverXware 具有强大的分析功能,可评估时域和频域中记录的数据。可对单个或多个事件进行汇总分析。 矢量展示台是一种常用的软件功能,可帮助解释记录的动态事件的方向和强度。事件表和历史记录
。可在通用项目数据库中查看多个数据文件。记录的事件按时间顺序显示在事件表中。 快速历史记录是记录事件的图形表示法,可在一个视图中从头至尾显示捕获的数据。在以不同方式查看或处理数据时,会提供单个事件和汇总数据的缩略图并自动更新。
汇总报告 - 有关高级分析和报告工具,请参阅下面的 SaverXware ETC 选项
。SaverXware 将生成用户定义的汇总报告并导出结果。此外,还可以将数据本身导出到 ASCII 文件,以便使用电子表格或其他通用的软件应用程序进行进一步分析和报告。

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It starts with our SAVER environmental data recorders - but that's really just the beginning. Explore how we can help you extract the insights you need.
Key features
Measurement setup
Users are provided with simple, standard Setup Gateways for the most common measurement applications.
Advanced setup options are also possible providing complete control for all setup parameters.
Data analysis
SaverXware includes powerful analysis features to evaluate recorded data in the time domain and frequency domain. Summary analysis can be performed on individual or multiple events.
Vector Visualizer is a popular software feature than helps explain the direction and intensity of recorded dynamic events.
Event table and history
Multiple data files can be viewed in a common project database. Recorded events are chronologically presented in Event Tables.
Quick History is a graphical representation of the recorded events and displays the captured data from beginning to end in one view.
Thumbnail images of individual events and summarized data are provided and update automatically when viewing or processing the data differently.
Summary reporting
See SaverXware ETC options below for advanced analysis and reporting tools
SaverXware will generate user-defined summary reports and export the results.
Additionally, it is possible to export the data itself to ASCII files for further analysis and reporting using spreadsheet or other universally available software applications.
SaverXware Software
SaverXware Software