
这一过程对于确保产品安全可靠地运送到客户手中,并最终无损坏地到达客户手中至关重要。反过来,跌落测试系统通过帮助设计包装产品,使产品在交付时保持原有的内在质量,从而帮助公司节约成本,维护品牌所有者的良好声誉。Lansmont 跌落测试系统是准确和可重复跌落测试的黄金标准。我们生产的每台跌落测试仪都经过工厂校准,以确保其超出行业规范;

您可以在 Lansmont 找到各种跌落测试系统,根据您的个性化需求进行选择。我们的每个解决方案都提供不同的配置、功能和处理能力,适合各种形状和尺寸的货物;






Test methods

A drop tester creates freefall and sudden impact conditions, across various heights and angles. Methods for performing drop tests will depend on the test standard or regulation to which your business complies.

Each standard will specify drop testing procedures and inputs, from organizations such as ISTA, ASTM, ISO, FedEx and US Department of Transportation, commonly focusing on:

  • Drop height
  • Specimen orientation
  • Number of drops

We develop drop testers to exceed industry specifications and every unit is factory tested to ensure it meets strict 'flatness of drop' requirements.

Selecting a drop test system

What are the key criteria to consider?

When selecting a drop test system to measure your product and packaging performance you need to first consider these basic criteria.

Specimen size

The maximum dimensional size (length, width, height) of your intended test specimen.

Our drop test range is suitable for individual components, products and packages through to large engineered shipping crates.

Specimen weight

The maximum weight (lbs/kg) of your intended test specimen.

Our drop test range is suitable for anything from a single bottle of medicine through to payloads up to 3,000 lbs (c. 1,500 kgs), such as diagnostic equipment.

Drop height(s)

The minimum and maximum intended drop heights (in/mm) for your intended test specimen.

Our drop test range is developed for standards-driven testing (eg ASTM D5276) with adjustable drop heights from 1" (25.4 mm) to 96" (c. 2,450 mm).

System overview

Key components of a drop test system

A drop tester enables product and packaging designers to examine how a product behaves when dropped from different heights, simulating various drop scenarios in a lab environment.

Explore the core components of a Lansmont drop testing system.

Lansmont drop test system illustration - flat drop test method

Control system

Lansmont drop test system illustration - flat drop test method

This includes the software and hardware used to configure test parameters, such as drop height and impact force.

You should look for a tester with precise drop mechanisms and accurate measurement instrumentation to ensure reliable results.


Mechanical or motorised drop height adjustment

Drop tester with adjustable drop height(s)

The hoist provides precise drop height adjustment, enabling you to set and adjust the height from which the item will be dropped, allowing for different impact scenarios.

Motorised systems provide greater precision and repeatability, saving time and manual effort.


LansmontPDT handheld drop test controller

For motorised systems a handheld controller for Lansmont Precision Drop Testers (PDTs) is a plug-and-play device with a straightforward setup and calibration routine.

A digital display simultaneously indicates current and desired drop height settings, with simple controls for setting drop heights.

The controller is lightweight and durable for laboratory environments.

Drop platform

Test specimen weight/system capacity

The drop platform, also known as a 'drop leaf', is where the product or package to be tested is placed.

It can be flat or used with specific fixtures to hold the item at varying orientations for different impact scenarios.

When selecting a drop tester it is important to check that the drop platform and tester has an appropriate payload capacity to accommodate your items.

Base plate

Lansmont drop test system illustration - flat drop test method

The base platform provides the basic impact surface when drop testing.

Higher capacity (larger payload) drop testers are frequently installed into a recessed floor, making it safer and easier to position unit loads for testing.

Varying fixtures can be used for testing different impact scenarios.

The maximum weight the tester can accommodate should be suitable for the products or packages you intend to test.

PDT 80


我们最受欢迎的精密跌落测试仪,配有手持控制器和电动葫芦,可对重达 177 磅(80 公斤)的样品从 1-72 英寸(2.5-183 厘米)的高度进行跌落测试。

PDT 300


非常适合大型产品和包装的跌落测试应用,包括从 1-72 in(2.5-183 cm)高度跌落到 661 lbs(300 kg)以下的可回收散装货箱、板条箱产品或托盘产品。

Case studies