SAVER 9XGPS is an enhanced version of SAVER 9X30. Built-in GPS capabilities allow for position and speed data to automatically be directly embedded into captured data files. This adds further value and definition to your measurement results.
SAVER 9XGPS includes built-in signal conditioning and can record up to 9 dynamic channels–an internal triaxial accelerometer as well as 6 external accelerometer inputs. It also includes sensors to record temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. This self-powered instrument provides 16-bit resolution for full-waveform recording with pre-trigger capability.
SAVER 9XGPS is powered with user-replaceable 9V lithium (or alkaline) batteries. It samples continuously and records data to flash memory when the signal exceeds a desired threshold. SAVER 9X30 can be setup to record signal-triggered and time-triggered events.
SAVER 9XGPS includes timestamps with all the acceleration time histories, temperature and humidity data that it records. SaverXware can be used to analyze this data and provide information about drop height, impacts, vehicle motion, vibration, temperature, humidity, and pressure cycles, and spatial awareness.

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Magnetic mount
External power source
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