The SAVER 9X30 also includes sensors to record temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure. The SAVER 9X30 includes built-in signal conditioning for all the dynamic channels along with user-defined recording ranges and filters. This self-powered instrument provides 16-bit resolution for full triaxial accelerometer time-history waveform recording with user defined signal pre-trigger settings.
This research grade data logger includes both internal and external acceleration measurement for shock, vibration, as well as temperature & humidity, pressure and options for GPS location. When the application requires research quality data – SAVER is the answer.
- Simultaneously measure input and response dynamics
- High-speed sampling rates for accurate characterization of shock events
- Full transport shipping lane characterizations, allowing for complete Field-to-Lab data transformation
- Atmospheric pressure along with optional GPS integration provides for complete, robust and defendable historical data
The SAVER 9X30 is powered with user-replaceable 9V lithium (or alkaline) batteries and will continuously sample the environment for up to 30 days. It samples continuously and records data to flash memory when user-defined trigger conditions are met. The triggering can be defined based upon the event’s acceleration threshold, and/or a periodic timer interval.

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